
Diablo ®IV 揭晓


加利福尼亚州尔湾市——2019111日—一股远古的邪恶之力威胁着庇护之地,将其笼罩在黑暗之中,新的英雄应召而来,面对这个世界从未经历的挑战。今天暴雪娱乐公布了Diablo IV,这也是备受期待的定义类型的动作角色扮演游戏系列的下一部续作。这款《暗黑破坏神》的全新续作已在2019暴雪嘉年华®上公布,观众也迫不及待想要尝试游戏的试玩版。Diablo IV会将玩家带入一个神秘的故事线,让他们可以自由探索并开辟自己的道路,领略广阔而精彩的庇护之地世界——那是一片毫无希望、恶魔横行的地狱景象。

Diablo IV保留了系列的精髓,将呈现精彩刺激的战斗、各种阴森的怪物,玩家还可以寻找传说级的战利品,体验无尽的可玩性并不断成长。玩家可以在这片陆地的各个地方展开精彩的冒险,这里有独特的生态并栖息着危险的新敌人。他们可以深入随机的地下城,遇上无法预料的敌人和超出想象的宝物。除了继续支持单人和组队游玩之外,Diablo IV还让各位玩家有机会在同一个世界中遇上彼此——玩家可以选择与他人一起克服更大的挑战。……或者在PvP战斗中击败其他玩家。

“庇护之地一直是《暗黑破坏神》玩家20多年来的家园,我们今天公布了Diablo IV,其中饱含了对这个系列的热情和对社区的感激,”暴雪娱乐的总裁J. Allen Brack表示。“我们很高兴能够重现深受玩家喜爱的《暗黑破坏神》的黑暗风格及其游戏玩法的精髓,同时还拓展了整个世界,以全新的方式诉说故事,我们迫不及待想要让更多人能够体验其中的乐趣了。”

Diablo IV中,玩家将努力为世界带回希望,斩妖除魔,消灭邪恶的化身——包括害人的恶魔邪教徒和全新的淹溺亡灵,它们将从海岸边现身,把受害者拖入水中的坟墓。本作将首次呈现一个连贯无缝的庇护之地,它由多个地区组成,包括凯基斯坦的沙漠、索格伦狼人出没的青翠森林,还有干燥平原荒芜崎岖的荒野。

在暴雪嘉年华上,暴雪公布了Diablo IV的前三个职业,并在当场提供试玩。

  • 野蛮人:拥有无与伦比的力量和强悍的近战能力,可以在战斗中利用全新的强大系统——“人形兵器库”,这让他们可以在携带四种不同的武器,将其指定到不同的攻击中可以实现快速切换。
  • 巫师将重回他们在《暗黑破坏神II中的风采,通过运用元素之力来消灭他们的敌人,例如用寒冰尖刺贯穿敌人,用闪电发动攻势,或者召唤从天而降的烈焰陨石。
  • 德鲁伊是凶蛮的变形者,可以在狼人、熊人和人类形态之间流畅切换,能够对烈焰地狱的恶魔释放大自然原始的愤怒。 

这三个标志性的职业致敬了系列的传统,凸显出Diablo IV秉承了系列的故事,保留了《暗黑破坏神》系列的核心,同时也让玩家能够探索未开发的玩法,体验游戏的新鲜感。玩家可以通过自定义的天赋树和技能来实验和探索无数种角色养成,还有充满传说物品和套装的丰富战利品系统供玩家收集、符文和符文之语的组合,甚至还有自定义坐骑可以让玩家在开放世界中尽情驰骋。 

Diablo IV使用现代技术开发,将系列推向了黑暗风格的新高度。玩家看到、听到和感受到的一切都是这项技术的重要体现,它带来了更高的清晰度和更加身临其境的体验。它为《暗黑破坏神》系列开辟了无数种可能性,包括流畅的人物动画(例如德鲁伊流畅的形态变化)、广袤的无缝开放世界,让玩家可以穿梭其中,寻找下一个充满宝藏的地下城。最终Diablo IV将为玩家呈现一个更加逼真而危险的世界。

Diablo IV目前正在开发之中,将登陆PC、PlayStation® 4和Xbox One。勇敢的灵魂可以在www.diablo.com查看更多的信息。


About the Diablo Universe

Widely regarded as a benchmark for the action--role-playing game genre, Diablo (1996) introduced players to the dark, gothic world of Sanctuary and placed them at the center of what would be revealed to be a conflict between the angels of the High Heavens and demons of the Burning Hells over the fate of the world and its inhabitants. Diablo II (2000), along with its expansion, Lord of Destruction (2001) , and several content patches that followed, took the series to new heights and depths , with an elaborate multi-act story, bold new character classes, and an intricate skill system. In Diablo III(2012), players return to the world of Sanctuary to again confront the Lord of Terror, supported this time by a vibrant cast of characters who join them in battle and aid them in other ways. With the upcoming release of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, players will face a powerful new adversary, uncover his dark plan for humanity—and take the fight to him in a desperate bid to save Sanctuary once more.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements : Information in this press release that involves Blizzard Entertainment's expectations, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the future, including statements about the console versions of Diablo III, are forward-looking statements that are not facts and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause Blizzard Entertainment's actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements set forth in this release include unanticipated product delays and other factors identified in the risk factors sections of Activision Blizzard’s most recent annual report on Form 10-K and any subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. The forward-looking statements in this release are based upon information available to Blizzard Entertainment and Activision Blizzard as of the date of this release, and neither Blizzard Entertainment nor Activision Blizzard assumes any obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements believed to be true when made may ultimately prove to be incorrect. These statements are not guarantees of the future performance of Blizzard Entertainment or Activision Blizzard and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond its control and may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.


暴雪娱乐为动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard, NASDAQ:ATVI)旗下子公司,是全球娱乐软件的知名开发商和出版商,在业界享有盛誉,具有震撼力的作品包括《魔兽世界®《炉石传说®《守望先锋®、《风暴英雄™》、以及《魔兽争霸®》、《星际争霸®》、《暗黑破坏神®系列,拥有22款畅销游戏和多项年度游戏大奖的殊荣*。公司同时提供世界上规模较大的在线游戏服务®,活跃用户数以千万计。


Notes on forward-looking statements: The information in this press release regarding Blizzard Entertainment ’s future expectations, plans, intentions or strategies are unrealistic forward-looking statements that involve a lot of risks and uncertainties. In this press release, the "World of Warcraft

The forward-looking statements of "Lin Lin Xia Xia" usually include the release date, features and game content. Factors that may cause Blizzard Entertainment's actual future results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, product delays and the additional risks mentioned by Activision Blizzard in the most recent annual statement 10-K and quarterly statement 10-Q statements factor. The forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to Activision Blizzard and Blizzard Entertainment up to the date of the press release, and Activision Blizzard and Blizzard Entertainment are under no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are considered correct when they are made, and may ultimately prove to be wrong. These statements do not guarantee the future performance of Activision Blizzard, there are risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond the company's control and may lead to actual results that differ materially from current expectations.