Пресс-кит 01.11.2019 Загрузить объекты: 0 Достигнут максимальный размер ZIP-архива! 01.11.2019 Добавить всё для загрузки Heroes of the Storm - BlizzCon 2019 Press Kit Heroes of the Storm Добавить набор для загрузки BlizzCon 2019 Toy Models Mephisto01 734,8kB JPG 3,0MB PNG Mephisto02 739,4kB JPG 3,2MB PNG Qhira01 905,5kB JPG 4,7MB PNG Qhira02 828,7kB JPG 4,0MB PNG Qhira03 881,4kB JPG 3,9MB PNG Toytrain01 1,5MB JPG 12,9MB PNG Добавить набор для загрузки Deathwing Abilities BothForms-Q-Ability 486,9kB JPG 3,2MB PNG BothForms-R-Ultimate Ability 485,6kB JPG 3,2MB PNG BothForms-Z-Ability 348,1kB JPG 3,1MB PNG DestroyerForm-E-Ability 347,5kB JPG 2,6MB PNG DestroyerForm-W-Ability 395,9kB JPG 2,8MB PNG Trait-AspectofDeath 306,1kB JPG 2,6MB PNG WorldBreakerForm-E-Ability 451,1kB JPG 3,1MB PNG WorldBreakerForm-W-Ability 393,2kB JPG 2,9MB PNG Добавить набор для загрузки Deathwing Key Art Deathwing Key art 10,8MB JPG Добавить набор для загрузки Heroes of the Storm Dev Headshots Brett Crawford Headshot 7,4MB JPG Kaeo Milker Headshot 10,3MB JPG Добавить набор для загрузки Heroes of the Storm - Dev Team Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles arAR 20,7kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles deDE 18,4kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles enUS 12,8kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles esES 17,1kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles esMX 11,0kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles frFR 18,2kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles itIT 20,6kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles jaJP 13,2kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles koKR 22,0kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles plPL 18,4kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles ptBR 10,5kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles ruRU 19,4kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles thTH 20,1kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles trTR 21,3kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles zhCN 12,4kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Development Team - Names and Roles zhTW 11,0kB DOCX Добавить набор для загрузки Heroes of the Storm - Kaeo Milker Bio Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker arAR 602,0kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker deDE 600,1kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker enUS 846,0kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker esES 600,1kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker esMX 597,5kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker frFR 599,8kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker itIT 599,6kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker jaJP 846,9kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker koKR 847,8kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker plPL 600,6kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker ptBR 846,0kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker ruRU 848,9kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker thTH 547,7kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker trTR 848,6kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker zhCN 848,9kB DOCX Heroes Developer Bio - Kaeo Milker zhTW 846,8kB DOCX Добавить набор для загрузки Heroes of the Storm - BlizzCon 2019 Fact Sheet Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet arAR 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet deDE 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet enAU 108,4kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet enEU 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet enGB 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet enUS 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet enUS (1) 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet esES 52,4MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet esMX 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet frBL 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet frFR 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet itIT 954,3kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet jaJP 409,4kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet koKR 417,6kB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet plPL 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet ptBR 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet ruRU 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet trTR 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet zhCN 53,8MB DOCX Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet zhTW 375,2kB DOCX Дополнительная информация