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03/11/2017 Adicionar todos às transferências

Heroes of the Storm - BlizzCon 2017

Heroes of the Storm

Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Screenshots
2018GameplayUpdate CameraAfter
2018GameplayUpdate CameraBefore
2018GameplayUpdate InfiniteTowerAmmo
2018GameplayUpdate MercenaryUpdateSiegeGiant
2018GameplayUpdate MercenaryUpdateSpellAura
2018GameplayUpdate MercernaryUpdateArmorDebuf
2018GameplayUpdate NeutralRegenGlobe
2018GameplayUpdate NewMapTimer
2018GameplayUpdate NewStealthShader
2018GameplayUpdate OldStealthShader
2018GameplayUpdate StandAloneTowerAfter
2018GameplayUpdate StandAloneTowerBefore
2018GameplayUpdate VoiceChat
Alexstrasa Gameplay1
Alexstrasza DarkQueenSkin1
Alexstrasza DarkQueenSkin2
Alexstrasza Dragon DarkQueenSkin1
Alexstrasza Dragon DarkQueenSkin2
Alexstrasza DragonSkin1
Alexstrasza DragonSkin2
Alexstrasza Gameplay2
Alexstrasza Gameplay3
Alexstrasza GameplayE
Alexstrasza GameplayR2
Alexstrasza GameplayW
Alexstrasza Homescreen
Alexstrasza LifeBinderR1
Dragons Alexstrasza Hanzo Portrait
Dragons Alexstrasza Portrait
Dragons DragonKnight Portrait
Dragons Hanzo Portrait
Hanzo Skin1
Hanzo Skin2
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Logos
HOS2.0 Logo enUS
HOS2.0 Logo zhCN
HOS2.0 Logo zhTW
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Videos
Dragons of the Nexus Cinematic enUS
Heroes Hype enUS
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 BROLL
Alexstrasza Broll
Hanzo Broll
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Artwork
Alexstrasza Homescreen
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Headshots
Alan Dabiri
Careena Kingdom
Chris Sigaty
Claudio Gentilini
Jade Martin
Kaeo Milker
Kent-Erik Hagman
Lana Bachynski
Matt Villers
Sam Didier
Tony Hsu
Travis McGeathy
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents deDE
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 deDE
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet deDE
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents enAU
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 enAU
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet enAU
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents enGB
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 enGB
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet enGB
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents enEH
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 enUS
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet enUS
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents esES
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 esES
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet esES
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents esMX
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 esMX
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet esMX
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents esfrFR
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 frFR
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet frFR
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents itIT
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 itIT
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet itIT
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents krKR
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 koKR.docx
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet koKR.docx
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents plPL
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 plPL
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet plPL
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents ptBR
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 ptBR
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet ptBR
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents ruRU
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 ruRU
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet ruRU
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents zhCN
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 zhCN
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet zhCN
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Documents zhTW
Heroes of the Storm - New at BlizzCon 2017 zhTW
Heroes of the Storm Fact Sheet zhTW
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios deDE
Alan Dabiri deDE
Careena Kingdom deDE
Chris Sigaty deDE
Claudio Gentilini deDE
Jade Martin deDE
John Deshazer deDE
Kaeo Milker deDE
Kent-Erik Hagman deDE
Kyle Dates deDE
Lana Bachynski deDE
Matt Villers deDE
Matthew Cooper deDE
Nathan LaMusga deDE
Samwise Didier deDE
Tony Hsu deDE
Travis McGeathy deDE
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios enGB
Alan Dabiri enGB
Careena Kingdom enGB
Chris Sigaty enGB
Claudio Gentilini enGB
Jade Martin enGB
John Deshazer enGB
Kaeo Milker enGB
Kent-Erik Hagman enGB
Kyle Dates enGB
Lana Bachynski enGB
Matt Villers enGB
Matthew Cooper enGB
Nathan LaMusga enGB
Samwise Didier enGB
Tony Hsu enGB
Travis McGeathy enGB
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios enUS
Alan Dabiri enUS
Careena Kingdom enUS
Chris Sigaty enUS
Claudio Gentilini enUS
Jade Martin enUS
John Deshazer enUS
Kaeo Milker enUS
Kent-Erik Hagman enUS
Kyle Dates enUS
Lana Bachynski enUS
Matt Villers enUS
Matthew Cooper enUS
Nathan LaMusga enUS
Samwise Didier enUS
Tony Hsu enUS
Travis McGeathy enUS
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios esES
Alan Dabiri esES
Careena Kingdom esES
Chris Sigaty esES
Claudio Gentilini esES
Jade Martin esES
John Deshazer esES
Kaeo Milker esES
Kent-Erik Hagman esES
Kyle Dates esES
Lana Bachynski esES
Matt Villers esES
Matthew Cooper esES
Nathan LaMusga esES
Samwise Didier esES
Tony Hsu esES
Travis McGeathy esES
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios esMX
Alan Dabiri esMX
Careena Kingdom esMX
Chris Sigaty esMX
Claudio Gentilini esMX
Jade Martin esMX
John Deshazer esMX
Kaeo Milker esMX
Kent-Erik Hagman esMX
Kyle Dates esMX
Lana Bachynski esMX
Matt Villers esMX
Matthew Cooper esMX
Nathan LaMusga esMX
Samwise Didier esMX
Tony Hsu esMX
Travis McGeathy esMX
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios frFR
Alan Dabiri frFR
Careena Kingdom frFR
Chris Sigaty frFR
Claudio Gentilini frFR
Jade Martin frFR
John Deshazer frFR
Kaeo Milker frFR
Kent-Erik Hagman frFR
Kyle Dates frFR
Lana Bachynski frFR
Matt Villers frFR
Matthew Cooper frFR
Nathan LaMusga frFR
Samwise Didier frFR
Tony Hsu frFR
Travis McGeathy frFR
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios itIT
Alan Dabiri itIT
Careena Kingdom itIT
Chris Sigaty itIT
Claudio Gentilini itIT
Jade Martin itIT
John Deshazer itIT
Kaeo Milker itIT
Kent-Erik Hagman itIT
Kyle Dates itIT
Lana Bachynski itIT
Matt Villers itIT
Matthew Cooper itIT
Nathan LaMusga itIT
Samwise Didier itIT
Tony Hsu itIT
Travis McGeathy itIT
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios koKR
Alan Dabiri koKR
Careena Kingdom koKR
Chris Sigaty koKR
Claudio Gentilini koKR
Jade Martin koKR
John Deshazer koKR
Kaeo Milker koKR
Kent-Erik Hagman koKR
Kyle Dates koKR
Lana Bachynski koKR
Matt Villers koKR
Matthew Cooper koKR
Nathan LaMusga koKR
Samwise Didier koKR
Tony Hsu koKR
Travis McGeathy koKR
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios plPL
Alan Dabiri plPL
Careena Kingdom plPL
Chris Sigaty plPL
Claudio Gentilini plPL
Jade Martin plPL
John Deshazer plPL
Kaeo Milker plPL
Kent-Erik Hagman plPL
Kyle Dates plPL
Lana Bachynski plPL
Matt Villers plPL
Matthew Cooper plPL
Nathan LaMusga plPL
Samwise Didier plPL
Tony Hsu plPL
Travis McGeathy plPL
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios ptBR
Alan Dabiri ptBR
Careena Kingdom ptBR
Chris Sigaty ptBR
Claudio Gentilini ptBR
Jade Martin ptBR
John Deshazer ptBR
Kaeo Milker ptBR
Kent-Erik Hagman ptBR
Kyle Dates ptBR
Lana Bachynski ptBR
Matt Villers ptBR
Matthew Cooper ptBR
Nathan LaMusga ptBR
Samwise Didier ptBR
Tony Hsu ptBR
Travis McGeathy ptBR
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios ruRu
Alan Dabiri ruRU
Careena Kingdom ruRU
Chris Sigaty ruRU
Claudio Gentilini ruRU
Jade Martin ruRU
John Deshazer ruRU
Kaeo Milker ruRU
Kent-Erik Hagman ruRU
Kyle Dates ruRU
Lana Bachynski ruRU
Matt Villers ruRU
Matthew Cooper ruRU
Nathan LaMusga ruRU
Samwise Didier ruRU
Tony Hsu ruRU
Travis McGeathy ruRU
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios zhCN
Alan Dabiri zhCN
Careena Kingdom zhCN
Chris Sigaty zhCN
Claudio Gentilini zhCN
Jade Martin zhCN
John Deshazer zhCN
Kaeo Milker zhCN
Kent-Erik Hagman zhCN
Kyle Dates zhCN
Lana Bachynski zhCN
Matt Villers zhCN
Matthew Cooper zhCN
Nathan LaMusga zhCN
Samwise Didier zhCN
Tony Hsu zhCN
Travis McGeathy zhCN
Adicionar conjunto às transferências Heroes of the Storm BlizzCon 2017 Bios zhTW
Alan Dabiri zhTW
Careena Kingdom zhTW
Chris Sigaty zhTW
Claudio Gentilini zhTW
Jade Martin zhTW
John Deshazer zhTW
Kaeo Milker zhTW
Kent-Erik Hagman zhTW
Kyle Dates zhTW
Lana Bachynski zhTW
Matt Villers zhTW
Matthew Cooper zhTW
Nathan LaMusga zhTW
Samwise Didier zhTW
Tony Hsu zhTW
Travis McGeathy zhTW