프레스 킷 2022-02-22 0개 항목 다운로드 Zip content limit reached! 2022-02-22 Add all to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Launch World of Warcraft Add set to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Launch Screenshots (4K) Shadowlands Eternitys End Zereth Mortis 006 413.5kB JPG 9.0MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Cosmic Gladiators Soul Eater 001 404.9kB JPG 6.2MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Mounts Helicid 001 812.5kB JPG 9.3MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Raid Anduin Wrynn 001 689.1kB JPG 11.1MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Raid Lords of Dread 010 702.7kB JPG 7.5MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Raid Prototype Pantheon 010 687.4kB JPG 8.1MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Tier Armor Blood Elf Rogue 012 617.2kB JPG 10.0MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Tier Armor Highmouintain Tauren Druid 012 675.2kB JPG 11.2MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Tier Armor Night Elf Warrior 013 618.3kB JPG 10.2MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zereth Mortis 003 568.6kB JPG 11.6MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zereth Mortis 007 399.4kB JPG 8.4MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zereth Mortis 011 845.1kB JPG 14.9MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zereth Mortis 014 929.2kB JPG 15.6MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zereth Mortis 021 997.3kB JPG 15.9MB PNG Add set to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Launch Screenshots (1080) Shadowlands Eternitys End Map Shots Zereth Mortis 014 714.4kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Map Shots Zereth Mortis 021 712.7kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Mounts Cosmic Gladiators Soul Eater 001 290.0kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Mounts Helicid 001 600.7kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Raid Anduin Wrynn 001 521.6kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Raid Lords of Dread 010 544.8kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Raid Prototype Pantheon 010 528.0kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Tier Armor Blood Elf Rogue 012 452.6kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Tier Armor Highmouintain Tauren Druid 012 510.1kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Tier Armor Night Elf Warrior 013 456.1kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zereth Mortis 003 408.3kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zereth Mortis 006 298.7kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zereth Mortis 007 297.2kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zereth Mortis 011 634.8kB JPG Add set to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Screenshots - Announce (4K) Shadowlands Eternitys End Cypher of the First Ones 4K 568.6kB JPG 5.9MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Devourers 4K 316.1kB JPG 1.1MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Forge of Afterlives 4K 602.5kB JPG 11.5MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Haven 4K 788.3kB JPG 12.8MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Jailer 4K 797.0kB JPG 12.7MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Lihuvim Terrestrial Keeper 4K 521.3kB JPG 8.7MB PNG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zerith Mortis 4K 360.0kB JPG 1.2MB PNG Add set to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Screenshots - Announce (1080) Shadowlands Eternitys End Cypher of the First Ones 1080 444.3kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Devourers 1080 395.1kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Forge of Afterlives 1080 443.5kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Haven 1080 576.5kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Jailer 1080 616.2kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Lihuvim Terrestrial Keeper 1080 396.1kB JPG Shadowlands Eternitys End Zerith Mortis 1080 451.6kB JPG Add set to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Logo Shadowlands Eternitys End Logo 318.2kB JPG 4.4MB PNG Add set to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Launch Trailer Add set to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Launch Concept Art ConstellarMaw Concept 542.0kB JPG Progenitor TierArmor 2.9MB JPG ProgenitorRaid Concept 3.3MB JPG ProgenitorRaid Entrance Concept 1.7MB JPG WoW Shadowlands 9.2 Concept Art Description (Launch) 12.8kB DOCX Add set to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Launch Key Art WoW Shadowlands Eternitys End Key Art 9.9MB JPG Add set to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Launch Wallpapers 9 2 Launch Wallpaper 1080x1920 EE Key Art 608.3kB JPG 9 2 Launch Wallpaper 1920x1080 EE Key Art 585.1kB JPG 9 2 Launch Wallpaper 2400x1350 EE Key Art 705.4kB JPG Add set to downloads WoW Shadowlands Eternity's End Concept Art - Announce 1. Progenitor Environment 10.6MB JPG 10a. Progenitor Visual Development 395.0kB JPG 10b. Progenitor Magical Decals 11.1MB GIF 10b. Progenitor Magical Decals 3.1MB MP4 2. Progenitor - Color Rough 6.8MB JPG 3. Catalysts of Creation 1.8MB JPG 4. Progenitor Jellyfish 753.1kB JPG 5. Devourer Sandworm 400.5kB JPG 4.3MB PNG 6. Progenitor Wildlife 409.9kB JPG 7. Terrestrial Wing Keeper 49.9kB JPG 320.9kB PNG 8. Progenitor Weapons 1.2MB JPG 9. 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