Kit de prensa

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11/3/2013 Añadir todo a descargas

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm 2013 Launch Press Kit

StarCraft II

Añadir set a descargas Additional screenshots.
Abathur and Kerrigan.jpg
Abathur and Kerrigan
Attacking a Protoss communication tower on Kaldir.jpg
Attacking a Protoss communication tower on Kaldir
Baneling Hunter 01
Baneling Splitter 01
Kaldir2 01
Kaldir3 04
Lasarra Kerrigan
On the surface of planet Kaldir with Kerrigan.jpg
On the surface of planet Kaldir with Kerrigan
Zergling mutations available in the campaign.jpg
Zergling mutations available in the campaign
Zerglings can evolve into one of two different subspecies, raptors and swarmlings.jpg
Zerglings can evolve into one of two different subspecies, raptors and swarmlings
Añadir set a descargas BNET screenshots.
Landing Screen.png
Landing Screen
Matchmaking Screen1.png
Matchmaking Screen1
Matchmaking Screen2.png
Matchmaking Screen2
Training In-Game.png
Training In-Game
Training Loading.png
Training Loading
XP Score Screen.png
XP Score Screen
Añadir set a descargas Multiplayer screenshots.
Hellbat model.tga
Hellbat model
Hellbats can soak up damage on the front line and do great damage to clusters of light units.jpg
Hellbats can soak up damage on the front line and do great damage to clusters of light units
Mothership Core can use photon overcharge to temporarily give the nexus a powerful defensive weapon..jpg
Mothership Core can use photon overcharge to temporarily give the nexus a powerful defensive weapon.
Mothership Core model.tga
Mothership Core model
Oracle model.tga
Oracle model
Oracles use pulsar beam to damage ground units.jpg
Oracles use pulsar beam to damage ground units
Swarm Host model.tga
Swarm Host model
Swarm Hosts can be used to siege enemy bases.jpg
Swarm Hosts can be used to siege enemy bases
Tempest Model.tga
Tempest Model
Tempests have long range and do bonus damage to flying massive units.jpg
Tempests have long range and do bonus damage to flying massive units
Viper model.tga
Viper model
Vipers use abduct and blinding cloud to affect the battlefield and support zerg armies.jpg
Vipers use abduct and blinding cloud to affect the battlefield and support zerg armies
Widow Mine model.tga
Widow Mine model
Widow Mines can be useful as static defense near mineral lines.jpg
Widow Mines can be useful as static defense near mineral lines
Añadir set a descargas Campaign mission screenshots.
A frozen Zerg settlement on Kaldir.jpg
A frozen Zerg settlement on Kaldir
Battling onboard a Protoss spacecraft.jpg
Battling onboard a Protoss spacecraft
enemy Protoss encampment on Kaldir.jpg
enemy Protoss encampment on Kaldir
infesting the Protoss spacecraft from within.jpg
infesting the Protoss spacecraft from within
Kerrigan attacks a Protoss spacecraft.jpg
Kerrigan attacks a Protoss spacecraft
The Hunter is one of two Baneling subspecies you can evolve.jpg
The Hunter is one of two Baneling subspecies you can evolve
The Raptor is a Zergling subspecies that can jump up and down cliffs.jpg
The Raptor is a Zergling subspecies that can jump up and down cliffs
The Splitterling is one of two Baneling subspecies you can evolve.jpg
The Splitterling is one of two Baneling subspecies you can evolve
The Swarmling subspecies of Zergling hatches 3 to an egg instead of 2..jpg
The Swarmling subspecies of Zergling hatches 3 to an egg instead of 2.
Añadir set a descargas Heart of the Swarm launch screenshots.
Abathur advises Kerrigan on new mutations and evolutions to strengthen the swarm.jpg
Abathur advises Kerrigan on new mutations and evolutions to strengthen the swarm
As Kerrigan levels up, you can select unique abilities.jpg
As Kerrigan levels up, you can select unique abilities
Close up of Zagara.jpg
Close up of Zagara
Izsha acts as an advisor to Kerrigan.jpg
Izsha acts as an advisor to Kerrigan
Kerrigan speaking with Zagara.jpg
Kerrigan speaking with Zagara
Lasarra is a Protoss character that Kerrigan comes across on Kal_dir.jpg
Lasarra is a Protoss character that Kerrigan comes across on Kal dir
Leviathan in outer space.jpg
Leviathan in outer space
Players can select various mutations to improve each species.jpg
Players can select various mutations to improve each species
Selecting between two baneling subspecies.jpg
Selecting between two baneling subspecies
The evolution pit is where you can examine your brood.jpg
The evolution pit is where you can examine your brood
The mouth of the Leviathan reveals the landscape of each planet Kerrigan visits.jpg
The mouth of the Leviathan reveals the landscape of each planet Kerrigan visits
Añadir set a descargas Box art.
Añadir set a descargas Heart of the Swarm launch videos.
SC2 HotS Trailer Vengeance enUS XVID
ZI Final Rated 1080 ESRB
Añadir set a descargas Cover art.
LA SC zerglingcuddletime finalmerge
Añadir set a descargas Heart of the Swarm launch artwork.
char1 4(1)
KA60 4K
UI HotS Loading MissionSelect ZChar03
UI HotS Loading MissionSelect ZKaldir03
UI HotS Loading MissionSelect ZSpace02
UI HotS Loading MissionSelect Zxxxx
w160 char1 4(1).jpg
ZI120 Lighting.0309 v13
ZI130 Lighting.0112 v12
ZI230 4K