Press kit 5/22/2019 Download 0 items Zip content limit reached! 5/22/2019 Add all to downloads The Dalaran Heist Press Kit Hearthstone Add set to downloads Streets of Dalaran Gameplay broll Hearthstone DalaranHeistBroll Ch3 StreetsOfDalaran enUS 1.2GB MP4 Add set to downloads The Underbelly Gameplay B-roll Hearthstone DalaranHeistBroll Ch4 Underbelly enUS 1.6GB MP4 Add set to downloads Kirin Tor Citadel Gameplay B-Roll Hearthstone DalaranHeistBroll Ch5 KirinTorCitadel enUS 1.4GB MP4 Add set to downloads Dalaran Bank Gameplay B-roll Hearthstone DalaranHeistBroll Ch1 DalaranBank enUS 1.2GB MP4 Add set to downloads The Violet Hold Gameplay B-roll Hearthstone DalaranHeistBroll Ch2 VioletHold enUS 1.5GB MP4 Add set to downloads The Dalaran Heist Now Live Hearthstone PVE NowLive TV30 enUS 110.2MB MP4 Add set to downloads Hearthside Chat - The Dalaran Heist Gameplay Hs Burning Wit Gameplay 24.7MB MP4 HS Chat Beginning Book Opening 57.2MB MP4 HS Chat Bob Intro 45.8MB MP4 Hs Chat Deck Scroll 37.2MB MP4 HS Chat Ending Scroll 73.5MB MP4 HS Chat Frostburn Gameplay 32.1MB MP4 Hs Chat Glittering Gameplay 65.2MB MP4 HS Chat Hero Select 68.8MB MP4 Hs Chat Normal Heroic 20.1MB MP4 HS Chat Rakanishu Hero Power Scroll 30.4MB MP4 HS Chat Random Anomaly 43.0MB MP4 Hs Chat Random Deck 21.7MB MP4 HS Chat Rogue Hero Power Locked 26.7MB MP4 HS Chat Rogue Hero Power Unlocking 105.0MB MP4 HS Chat Tracking Deck 22.0MB MP4 Hs Chat Tracking Hero 51.6MB MP4 HS Chat Tracking Hero Power 32.5MB MP4 HS Chat Tracking Map 16.4MB MP4 Hs Chat Traven Gameplay 87.9MB MP4 Hs Chat Updated Sewers Attack Health Swap Kalecgos 31.5MB MP4 Hs Chat Violet Hold 49.5MB MP4 HS Chat Violet Hold Unlocked 41.5MB MP4 HS Chat Wild Magic Anomaly 29.8MB MP4 HS Chat Wild Magic Gameplay 56.9MB MP4 Add set to downloads Streets of Dalaran Encounters ALBIN EASTOFT 23.0MB JPG CAPTAIN HANNIGAN 4.5MB JPG LOCKSMITH ZIBB 7.4MB JPG RASIL FIREBORNE 5.8MB JPG TIERRA BLYTHE 8.0MB JPG Add set to downloads Streets of Dalaran - Henchmen CAPTAIN EUDORA 7.0MB JPG CUT-LESS 2.8MB JPG DISTORT 2.9MB JPG HeroPower Eudora 205.6kB JPG HeroPower Kriziki 219.1kB JPG KRIZIKI 5.4MB JPG SOOTHE 3.2MB JPG YOINK! 2.6MB JPG Add set to downloads The Underbelly - Henchmen Mister Chu 3.8MB JPG Mister Chu Lifebloom 4.6MB JPG Mister Chu Touch of Bark 4.3MB JPG Squeamlish 4.8MB JPG Squeamlish Invigorating Brew 3.1MB JPG Squeamlish - Undermine 3.6MB JPG Add set to downloads The Underbelly - Encounters Chomper 7.3MB JPG Cravitz Lorent 7.4MB JPG Dancin Deryl 8.4MB JPG Mama Diggs 4.8MB JPG Sharky McFin 13.5MB JPG Add set to downloads Kirin Tor Citadel - Henchmen Backup George the Fallen 2.2MB JPG Boon of Light George the Fallen 2.4MB JPG George the Fallen 5.3MB JPG Pain Split Tekahn 4.5MB JPG Tekahn 15.5MB JPG The Pact Tekahn 8.5MB JPG Add set to downloads Kirin Tor Citadel - Encounters Archivist Oshi 6.1MB JPG Archmage Kalec 3.9MB JPG Archmage Vargoth 963.4kB JPG 11.1MB PNG Khadgar 4.4MB JPG Lilayell Suntear 814.3kB JPG 6.8MB PNG Magistrix Norroa 154.4kB JPG Add set to downloads Cinematic Art Arch-Villain Rafaam 2.8MB JPG 21.5MB PNG Dalaran 938.3kB JPG 9.2MB PNG Dalaran Bank 3.4MB JPG 32.0MB PNG Dr. Boom 2.7MB JPG 20.1MB PNG Heistbaron Toggwaggle 2.7MB JPG 18.5MB PNG Madame Lazul 2.9MB JPG 19.8MB PNG Swampqueen Hagatha 3.0MB JPG 25.2MB PNG The Heist 2.5MB JPG 25.5MB PNG The Violet Hold 2.9MB JPG 33.3MB PNG Add set to downloads The Dalaran Heist Art BARTENDER BOB 3.2MB JPG BARTENDOTRON 6.2MB JPG CAROUSEL GRYPHON 5.1MB JPG DAGWICK STICKYTOE 16.8MB JPG EVIL PROPAGANDA 5.8MB JPG MERRY GO ROUND 4.5MB JPG RECRUIT 6.9MB JPG ZAYLE SHADOW CLOAK 4.2MB JPG Add set to downloads Dalaran Bank - Rakanishu BURNING WIT 3.2MB JPG FROSTBURN 4.1MB JPG HeroPower Rakanishu 169.7kB JPG RAKANISHU MAGE 3.1MB JPG Add set to downloads Dalaran Bank - Encounters BANKER BIGGS 6.8MB JPG MAREI LOOM 5.8MB JPG MO ENIWHISKERS 7.0MB JPG NOZ TIMBERTAIL 8.1MB JPG QUEEN WAGTOGGLE 3.0MB JPG TRADE PRINCE GALLYWIX 3.0MB JPG VALDERA HIGHBORNE 10.9MB JPG Add set to downloads The Violet Hold - Henchmen DIRE CHAMELEON 7.1MB JPG EVOLUTION 3.5MB JPG HeroPower OlBarkeye 186.5kB JPG HeroPower Vessina (1) 219.2kB JPG OL BARKEYE HUNTER 7.5MB JPG OPPORTUNIST 1.6MB JPG PET TRAINING 2.3MB JPG REFRESH 3.3MB JPG VESSINA SHAMAN 4.7MB JPG Add set to downloads The Violet Hold Encounters CYANIGOSA 7.7MB JPG EREKEM 9.3MB JPG ICHORON 6.9MB JPG LAVANTHOR 12.4MB JPG LIEUTENANT SINCLARI 10.0MB JPG MALLIFICENT MANASTORM 4.8MB JPG MORAGG 1.4MB JPG ZURAMAT THE OBLITERATOR 7.7MB JPG Add set to downloads The Dalaran Heist Now Live in Rise of Shadows The Dalaran Heist Now Live in Rise of Shadows 25.3kB DOCX Add set to downloads The Dalaran Heist Fact Sheet Dalaran Heist Fact Sheet 5.0MB DOCX More information